CS RMIS Royalty Management Information System is an exhaustive system for the Publishers and Publishing / Reprint Right Holders. It covers and tracks all the steps right from the inception of the title to calculation of Royalties and Managing the Accounts in all details . It can be further tailored as per user requirements .
CS:RMIS gives flexibility to define and change Royalty Contract. It allows multiple payees (author / proprietor / nominees) for one contract and / or multiple contracts per ISBN. It takes care of all forms of Royalty Earnings – Sales / Subsidiary Rights (Translations, Movie, Book-Club etc.), Permissions / Advances and Expenses which have to be accounted for in Royalty.
CS:RMIS and Accounts System are embedded in each other and hence no extra effort is needed for Payment of Royalty Cheques.
For computation of Royalty, it provides flexibility in the form of variable Royalties based on (Stepped) Sales Volume, Kind of Sale, Discount Percentage (thresholds), Cover Price, Sale below Cost Price and so on.
At all the stages of automation, CS:RMIS provides all assistance to user by providing display/pickup of helpful and meaningful information and opportunity to Review, Backtrack and Over-ride the information sensibly.
CS:RMIS generates Prompts for Special Executive Action by the Royalty Manager to take care of Special Agreements, TDS. It generates the Royalty Accrual Advice and takes it down to the Balance Sheet.
CS:RMIS generates communications for the authors / proprietors with sales and royalty related financial data. The system also generates and posts all accounts and in an integrated fashion everything goes right up to the Balance Sheet in a best possible manner.
The CS:RMIS is divided into the following major parts:
1. ROYALTY Contract Information System
2. ROYALTY Agreements Processing System
3 . ROYALTY Computation & Transaction System
4. ROYALTY Specialized Financial Accounts System
1. Royalty Contract Information System:
It is a comprehensive system, which provides all the relevant information about the Royalty Contracts and facilities to Monitor and Review the same. It comprises of the following information blocks:
- Publisher's (Self) PUBLISHING BRIEF
- Rights Submission – Tracking System
- Royalty Sub-Contracting ( to other Publishers / Agencies )
- Comprehensive Reports and Query Screens
2. Royalty Agreements Processing System :
- Rules Based Processing (flexible - as per user needs )
- Defining Shares of Authors / Proprietors / Nominees Registered in the Contract
- Defining of Sales Transactions Eligible for Inclusion / Exclusion in Royalty Computations
- Defining of Royalty Amount / Percentage on the basis of Sales Slabs
- Defining Applicable Price on which the Royalty will be Computed (flexible)
- Sales Returns taken into account to adjust Royalty Computation
- Adjustments of Purchases by Author against Royalty Earned
- Facility to View / Update and incorporate changes to cater for Special Situations
- Incorporating payment of Advances as defined in the Contract
- Incorporating incomes from Non-tangible Sales (Translation and other Rights ), Subsidiary Rights as defined in the Contract.
- PROMPTS for TAX Deduction if applicable and other prompts e.g. Small amount Cheque to be withheld, as required by user
- Automatic Posting of all Transactions to Accounts and Generation of Royalty Accrual Advice.
- Royalty Statement and Payments Communication is generated by the system including the sales / stock summary with desired subgroup totals.
- Extensive inquires on the entire databases with variety of search criteria using contract number, ISBN, author /proprietor / nominee (payee)/ title.
3. Royalty Computations and Transaction System:
- For Royalty Computations, the parameters drive the Special Treatment to different kinds of transactions (sales /stock-out documents) in a very generalized fashion.
- Parameters have been designed in such a way that it becomes easy to implement the prevailing business rules in an exhaustive way
- At user request it shows all the computations for detailed audit / inspection and also allows for making adjustments by the authorized Royalty Executive on the transactions.
- At the end of processing, the system generates ROYALTY ACCRUAL ADVICE - a numbered document that is a kind of Journal Voucher.
- ROYALTY ACCRUAL ADVICE displays all Earnings, Deductions, Adjustments and caters for manual entry of further transactions or refinements, for example Tax Deductions.
- As an added convenience, once the ROYALTY ACCRUAL ADVICE is settled (locked) its data can be EXPORTED to MS XL for import into other existing systems at the client's end or any other analysis.
4. Royalty Specialized Accounts System (CS-FA):
When User opts to implement the C-SOFT's CS-FA (Financial Accounting System) all data of Royalty travels to Balance Sheet in a natural one step fashion.
A subset of C-SOFT's FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM CS-FA can be implemented to maintain Authors/ Proprietors Accounts in a standard fashion across the years with great ease.
This is particularly useful if the client wishes to use his ongoing Accounts Package and wants figures for summarized posting regarding Royalty from C-SOFT's system in such a case data can be exported in USERDEFINED FORMAT from CS:FA.
◊ Easy to Use
◊ Powerful
◊ Comprehensive MIS
◊ State of the Art Features
• Instant Reporting
• Flexibility
• Power Utilities
• Single-User / Multi-User
• Data Security
• Data Report Export for MS-EXCEL
◊ Easy Operation and Integration with other C-SOFT modules
◊ Desired extensions in the Package can be carried out by C-SOFT's expert customization service.
Network Server
- Intel PII with min. 32 MB RAM
Network Operating System
- MS-Windows NT
- MS-Window Workgroup
- Intel Pentiums / equivalents with min. 32MB RAM
Desktop Operating Systems
- MS-Windows 9X and upwards