If you have been looking for a Human Resource Consulting Company, which is reliable, professional and sensitive to your needs, then your search ends here.
C-Soft Consultants is a decade young company involved in software development and providing consultations in a variety of fields. Human Resource Placement Division of C-Soft , is a new vertical with the aim of providing quality manpower as per the clients needs.
C-Soft strongly believes in delivering quality. We have put in place robust processes to ensure that we deliver quality with consistency in every task that we undertake. We exist as an organization to offer the right Human Resource Solutions at the right time and enable our clients to do better business every day. We build enduring relationships with our clients and candidates in a spirit of partnership and continuously seek insights through our work to deliver value.
We at C-Soft offer specialized recruitment services to find the right Candidate to satisfy every Employer's requirement. We have been immensely successful in:
● Satisfying the prospective candidates
● Satisfying the employer
C-Soft believes and promises to deliver quality services to both Employers and prospective candidates and is based on values of integrity, transparency and growth.
We cater to various industries especially:
- Information Technology
- Publishing
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Banking & Finance
- Insurance
- Telecom
We have access to a wide spectrum of prospective candidates through our huge database. And we therefore take the shortest possible time to select the right candidate for the right job.
We do recruitments for both, the Indian Domestic market as well as the overseas market .
We provide a broad range of staffing services including:
● Administration
● Accounts and Finance
● Light Industry
● IT Programmers and Systems Analysts
● Engineering Disciplines
● Sales and marketing